Apologies for the delay... The past two weeks have been exceptionally busy. Last night I gave a lecture on Child Abuse at the Kuwait Medical Association by the invitation of Kuwait Child Rights Society. I will not present the full powerpoint here, but I will share the summarized list of preventative tips I found from the American Academy of Pediatrics:
*** Please note that even though the wording presented here by the American Academy of Pediatrics seems to suggest that abuse only happens to girls (using she/her), boys are just as likely to be abused. (I doubt that the AAP had meant to be gender specific)
*** Please note that even though the wording presented here by the American Academy of Pediatrics seems to suggest that abuse only happens to girls (using she/her), boys are just as likely to be abused. (I doubt that the AAP had meant to be gender specific)
- Teach your child about the privacy of body parts, and that no one has the right to touch her if she tells the individual not to do so. She should understand that some touching is "good" but some is "bad”.
- In early childhood, parents can teach their children the name of the genitals, just as they teach their child the names of other body parts. This teaches that the genitals, while "private" are not so private that you can't talk about them.
- Sit down with your child and explain various situations that might indicate that a possible child molester is making advances.
- Tell a child that a molester or abductor may offer her alcohol or drugs to reduce her inhibitions.
- Tell your child that threats from a molester or anyone else are against the law—"If you tell your mother what we did, I'm going to hurt/kill her"—and to tell you immediately about them.
- If your youngster is in a position to do door-to-door solicitation—perhaps selling Girl Scout cookies or collecting money for a newspaper route—have an adult go with her. Warn your child that she should never enter someone else's home unless an adult accompanies her. (More appropriately for us would be “Girgai’an time)
- Investigate whether your youngster's school has an abuse-prevention program.
- Monitor the activities at your child's child-care facility or summer camp. Participate in these activities whenever possible.
- Spend enough time with your child that she does not feel the need to seek the attention of other adults.
Let us all work on implementing child protection laws and building a supportive infrastructure in Kuwait